Castlemaze Adventure Adventure game by Peter Gerrard Published in Exploring Adventures on the VIC For the Commodore VIC-20 (16K) Synopsis: You are in a forest. Your mission is to explore your surroundings and collect any valuables you find. Your journey will take you to an old castle, full of twisting and turning corridors, horrible sorcerers, and mysterious spiders. Will you unravel all the secrets of the castle, collect all the treasure, and escape alive? Solution: S, S, CLIMB TREE, GET ARROW, CLIMB TREE, S, S, SHOOT KNIGHT, EXAMINE KNIGHT, GET KEY, GET ARROW, CROSS, S, W, W, W, W, OPEN DOOR, S, S, S, W, GET SILVERWARE, S, GET LIQUID, E, E, E, S, E, GET SIGN, DROP SIGN, N, N, E, W, N, S, GET SWORD, DRINK LIQUID, GET KEY, N, N, S, OPEN VAULT, DROP KEY, GET BAR, W, N, W, W, S, S, E, SHOOT SPIDER, EXAMINE SPIDER, DROP BOW, GET SAPPHIRE, GET BROKEN, W, N, N, E, N, N, N, N, DROP BROKEN, DROP SAPPHIRE, DROP SILVERWARE, DROP BAR, S, S, S, S, W, S, GET PAINTING, W, GET WHETSTONE, SHARPEN SWORD, DROP WHETSTONE, E, S, S, W, GET PEN, E, N, E, E, GET BOOK, READ BOOK, DROP BOOK, 3.1, E, E, SWING SWORD, SWING SWORD, SWING SWORD, GET SCEPTRE, N, N, N, N, GET PILLOW, OPEN WINDOW, JUMP, CLIMB TREE, S, S, S, CROSS, S, W, W, W, W, DROP SWORD, DROP PAINTING, DROP PEN, DROP SCEPTRE, DROP PILLOW, S, W, S, GET VASE, N, E, N, DROP VASE, SCORE Credits: Solved by Rene van Hasselaar, Dennis Janssen and Marco van Slageren, posted at: